FAITH : A Different Perspective
In my view, there are three levels of religious faith...
No I am not ordained by any church organization but do have an opinion from my own experiences which have not been ordinary or trivial. The great thing about having your own site is that it can be used to be truthful about issues and if readers cannot respectfully disagree they are free to change the channel. I once was a big fan of Bill O'Reilly. When I learned what he truly stood for I lost respect and interest and I don't watch his show anymore because i don't see it as representing reality for most people. I won't say anything bad about him but I believe him to be too biased to be objective about serious issues. To the far right is Rush Limbaugh who is mostly a cultish figure almost to comedic proportions bordering on fanaticism. He caters to people who need something to believe in to feel better about themselves. You won't ever hear me bash him but neither will I bother listening to what he has to say. He has a purpose, however.
Even the metaphorical Satan has a purpose, for if he wasn't created then divinity and goodness would be without meaning. Free will to choose either right or wrong is what truly empowers man. Our whole earthly reality is based on the concept of relativity and opposition due to the fact that everything in existence has an opposite reflection existing to validate itself. There can be no hot without cold, high without low, wide without narrow, deep without shallow, dumb without smart, Democrat without Republican, and the grandparents of all is life without death and good vs. evil. Our reality is designed in this inescapable manner. Thus the real key to any degree of sane happiness as a human being must exist in finding balance. Everything I try to do to help others boils down to this simple principle. All of us seek daily what to us represents some form of emotional, physical, and spiritual balance.
Back to my original point about levels of faith... The lowest level of course would be zero or atheism. Such individuals are so skeptical and frustrated at apparent inconsistencies and improbabilities of religion that they choose to jump ship and forget about the coping value of religious faith. Believing in nothing can be more devastating than believing in something that may not have been recorded accurately or even fabricated for that matter. Of course, sometimes an agnostic approach of just admitting "I do not know the answer" can be best. At certain points in my own life there was temptation to adopt both of the above views. In retrospect it becomes clear that coping with change or stress was the motivating factor at those times. Life is a test that we cannot know the true answers to until it is over. In the meanwhile, all we have is the faith of our choosing and whatever that may be to the individual must be right. All others are wrong. This view leads to the level of extremist theological belief.
Religious extremists and fanatics have always been the instigators, agitators and even menaces to society all the way back to Cain slaying his brother Abel for wanting to be viewed as the favorite son. We are occupying Iraq today because of a U.S. organization unknown to most named Project for a New American Century (P.N.A.C.) and in the name of fighting Muslim extremists. The stories sold to the public through the media about the state of affairs is almost completely false yet most people are too distracted by their own problems to really care what is really true. Most of the true information was available on You Tube for a good while before it could be removed without causing suspicion among the masses. Those in power know that the public is conditioned to only read materials that are entertaining and short. Our media and public schools program this behavior. Those who don't conform are in the minority. The illiterate will watch whatever they are shown and accept without questioning. Even if they do question, what power do they have to do anything about it? My overall point here is that too much religion can be very dangerous.
Personally, I was raised in the A.M.E. Zion and Baptist Church where I received sound religious fundamentals. As a younger adult I began to question much of my own beliefs. When I became a spiritualistic individual and stopped focusing on religious doctrine things began to make more sense to me. I accept that many Biblical parables and principles had to be made simple enough for the masses to be able to accept and practice in their individual lives. As long as a core of truth exists the relevance of the specific details is not what is really most important. That core truth is what holds the real value. In the context of eternity and infinity all things are possible. If one accepts the reality of eternity and infinity all else is secondary. If one lacks the mental capacity to understand then it may take a fairy tale-like illustration to reach them. I believe that God allows the stronger among us to minister to those in need. To whom much is given much is expected. Sometimes true strength may be misconstrued as political power or influence, which can be quite problematic. Among my current path of personal growth I have reached a place where the understanding is that the truth is the light that never changes and it holds the potential to set one free. My patients who are sincere about their treatment know that I use a lot of analogies and parables with that one being one of my favorites. I never preach religion but strongly encourage patients to seek spiritual connection. If they request I try and help them find that for I know they can never truly have peace without it.
The desired level of faith is one where the individual allows their light to shine. Individuals who practice what they preach don't need a lot of words. They are not easily offended and rarely angry so they lack a need for vengeance toward those who have wronged them. They know very well the power of confession and forgiveness for this sets one in alignment with truth which is eternal and infinite.