Might Wanna Skip This One
Fri, January 19, 2007 at 07:43AM
HEADoc in Weekly Blog Entry


I find that no truly original ideas or memories exist...

Chances are that in the history of man, somewhere at some time to some degree, some human brain has experienced that exact information. This realization initially crushed my ego because arrival at truth often reveals that I wasn't the first. My narcissistic injury is somewhat repaired by the knowledge that advancing our collective thinking in the context of certain moral and ethical standards is what truly connects us with divinity.

These words may suggest that I am stoned out of my mind with some substance of abuse but that is not the case, I can assure you. This is an example of that zone we can sometimes reach during those wee hours of the night when the ability to sleep vanishes. All of the background garbage thinking and self judging and criticism are at the lowest possible level. Truth begins to flow through the mind. Some refer to this as a period of deep meditation. Out of a sea of many thoughts the mind must assign value to those most cherished.

I just remembered the dream I was awakened from by a knock inside my head. The dream was actually violent in nature and simple about logs of a variety of sizes falling into a small but deep stream of water. I was trying to advise others how to avoid being crushed or pinned and drowned by the gigantic logs while attempting to save myself. It was hard to communicate this to these vague other people. Simultaneously, there was an area with many much smaller branches and twigs on the bank that I worked feverishly to clear away as the dream took on indescribable dimensions of the fertile soil being penetrated in a gradual manner and souls being released as I jumped and chanted in jubilation and amazement. These words can only describe in a superficial and simplistic manner the visual imagery and emotional tone of the memory of the dream I was experiencing several minutes ago.

To the average reader this material again may seem consistent with one who is psychotic or high as hell from a mind altering substance. I can assure you once again I am not but more so just free associating through the use of a keyboard. This entry may only have meaning for myself when I reflect upon it at a later time  I suppose that since my writing is just a hobby and I have no intention of profiting financially from it at anytime that every now and then it is ok to just use the space here to just write totally off the top of my head. I hate restrictions but understand the necessity for them.

I think my original point for this entry was an attempt at illustrating the context of the reality of this individual human's thinking and thoughts. I learned from Deepak Choprah, author/spritualist/physician that the human brain is usually aware of one part out of a billion parts of the total of reality. Most of what really exists can't even be imagined and we can't even imagine that we can't imagine it. As an example, quantum physics suggests that if you think you understand quantum physics then you don't understand quantum physics.

The closest we can come to an acceptable understanding of ultimate reality is through the concept and idea of God. God is so hard for us to comprehend and communicate to others that it sometimes frustrates us to the point we respond aggressively or judgmentally toward our fellow man or we justify making him or her an enemy and attempt to destroy that individual or individuals in the name of righteousness. It stretches from Cain and Abel to George and Saddam from an idealistic view. It will continue.

For the political finale today I wish to comment on the idea of conspiracy theories. I'm certain that what I have written so far will really make people trust and believe me.(not) It does really help make my point, however. I never suggest that people smoke pot or drop acid but the few people that really catch my drift for this entry will likely be stoned out of their gourd. I just wrote it as it flowed to me. You'll either get it or you won't have read this far anyway. This final point is that I want to state my awareness that 95% of conspiracy theory material is total B.S. Certain people in certain high places, however, are intelligent and crafty enough to capitalize on this fact and use it to their advantage. Remember that 5% of conspiracy theory is not theory at all but totally true. For most people it all boils down simply to "who do you trust the most?" I have a clear understanding of deception and things not appearing to be what they are because of my background and experience. I don't expect all others to think in the same manner as myself. There are those who fully trust my thinking, then there are those who absolutely and totally reject my ideas. I can accept that. I am learning to ignore those who don't see the same light as myself. Why bother? I'm an abstract thinker much of the time and am aware that concrete thinkers won't always be compatible with most of my views. In reality, there are two sides to every story with the real truth laying somewhere near the middle. That, my friend, is a fact.

What this meandering leads me to finally write is that there is a 100% chance that we have never been told a fraction of truth about 9/11 and the true extent of the involvement of our government and what the real intentions are there. I think it's ok to admit that sometimes it is better not to know the truth because then you don't have to ruin your plans and start dealing with it. This is sometimes referred to as willful ignorance, which at times I too have been guilty of. As far as UFO's, space visitors, AIDs and crack conspiracies, JFK, RFK, MLK, NSA, FISA, FEMA, CIA, FBI, PNAC, skull and bones, free masons, crop circles, pyramids... I just do not know. I do firmly believe in that 5% truth principle. On the other hand, I am convinced that the true 9/11 conspiracy theory is the one the government wants us to believe. When the true facts are placed on the table the story the public has been given by the government is ludicrous. At this point, I'll rest my case.


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Article originally appeared on THOUGHTS from The HEADoc (http://headoc.squarespace.com/).
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