Re-affirmation to Self
Several months back I tried to change my approach to what I choose to post...
I had to face that Pollyannish thinking doesn't do it for me. My formula from day one was to write what I truly think and feel regardless of how it is perceived by others. I have to go where my conscience leads me whether I really want to or not. That was the true intended purpose of the free speech amendment. The line has been drawn at whether it is appropriate or not to shout "fire" in a building that is not burning. I have never crossed that line and have no intentions of doing so.
I have found it to be true that journalistic writing that fails to spark some degree of controversy is worthless because it hasn't challenged the reader to use their own critical thinking skills. No one individual can possibly be right about everything, or most things for that matter, but collectively enough opinions in time will illuminate the truth. That is why division of the masses is such an effective sociological tool when skillfully applied by the powers that be. Therefore, for as long as I write in a public forum I must do it from my own heart and not primarily to gain or keep readers.
Two years ago when I started this journal, I really didn't know if it would be read at all and I really didn't care. There was stuff I needed to say and I was going to say it in the way I best express myself, in writing. Today, no other aspect of my life is as disciplined as this journal. Even when I don't want to write I am driven to do so anyway. It has become much like a life line at times as I have found to be the case for many other bloggers.
When I feel helpless and/or powerless about realities occurring around me, at least I am able to file a complaint in my journal. Even though I'm aware that no one can directly change the outcome of the problem at the time, it feels good to know that there is understanding somewhere on earth. Even if someone disagrees strongly, it is good to know that there will be an opponent with whom to fight. Interestingly, some bloggers seem to have a primary goal of seeking someone who disagrees with their point of view so that they may argue with them. My stance has always been to show me evidence that I am wrong and you'll be my friend for life. "Because it's in the Bible," is usually not enough evidence. Usually there will be another verse that contradicts. Neither is "because I saw it on television." Some people don't even know why they believe what they believe. The ultimate in narcissism is based simply on "because I say so." This mentality makes my skin crawl.
My main point this entry is just to reflect some on why I seem to have become so politically focused lately. I suppose because there is a lot going on that is so wrong and I see so many who are oblivious or indifferent to the realities of today's world. The word wrong also depends on the point of view taken. If you make over $500,000.00 annual income then you are quite correct to assume that you have it made in the shade and let the good times roll. But, if you are barely making ends meet and you think there is a liberal bias in the media and that the current leadership in America is in no way corrupt and dishonest, then Houston we have a very serious problem. Anyone who would attack me on this point would not be worth the time to argue with for they, in my opinion, are totally out of touch with the real reality.
I don't profess to know all of the truth or have all of the answers but I do know when I smell a rat and I do want to find that rat. I hate being tricked or fooled more than anything. I have become a bit intrigued by the current political dynamics, I suppose mainly because ordinary people can actively participate on a mass scale for the first time in history since the founding fathers. That is why Time Magazine made "You" the person of the year for 2006. We the people may continue to be lied to but at least we have the means to know who tells the lies and force accountability even if we can't stop the lying. That gives me some peace of mind.