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   The Headoc had thought that maybe the time to put the journal to rest was here. . .

The 5th Anniversary was less than a month ago. Just that was a personal best for making a commitment to something and following through with it for that amount of time. Face Book seems to have rendered the format obsolete. So many things have transpired in the last 2 years that The Headoc has become unclear of purpose and mission within the Blogosphere. A better understanding of the process of change has been reached. A more clear understanding of individual limits achieved.

There actually are probably more subjects to explore than ever but the motivation has seemed to slip away. Where did the angst and fervor escape to and will it return? Is it even necessary? For so long there seemed to be a hidden and mysterious enemy that required defeat. Chivalry was not dead it seemed. It turns out that the only enemy there ever was has been ignorance to truth. Sometimes we cannot handle the truth. Some of us choose and prefer denial at different times in our lives. The media, the government, and corporate America thrive on our obliviousness to reality and our fears. An internet hoax earlier this week showed a short video of a Michael Jackson double rise from the back of a Coroners wagon and walk away. The news spread across the internet and thousands believed he was alive. The person making the video did it just to prove a point of how gullible people can be.

It's amazing how people have allowed healthcare reform to become so politicized and so polarized when many don't even understand the facts of the matter. The Headoc is upset at how doctors have become increasingly marginalized in the matter. Shouldn't healthcare be about patients and doctors being able to do what they do? Why are the major players mostly lawyers, managed care corporations, and pharmaceutical companies? I'm sure that money has nothing to do with it. Wrong! The Headoc wishes the President good luck but optimism is not high. The Headoc is more specifically concerned about Mental Health Care Reform. Thus far such reform can be looked at as chemotherapy in a cancer patient and the proposed cure will probably be worse than the metaphorical disease. It appears inevitable that the situation will worsen before it improves. Our leaders will eventually be forced to realize that it will be more cost efficient to provide enough funding to do it right instead of searching for the cheapest way out. I don't think our jails and correctional institutions will make the best public mental health centers as they appear destined to become.

 Life situations of late appear to have wrestled The Headoc into submission, at least in the area of written expression. He is bound to regain his bearings and return to the blogosphere rejuvenated. Time will tell. Thanks for your past support.

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Reader Comments (1)

Dear Headoc, I have enjoyed reading the journals, hoping to read more soon. While the accusations involving your practice are jumpstarted and (most times), fueled by misguided information, it is well worth reading through your balanced perspective and position on the matter.

p.s. ..... Your cat might need a partner to stay out of trees!

September 18, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrainy

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