Negative Perspectives
Time for another entry, I suppose. Not feeling too inspired to write. My idea today is to just free associate a little about random topics that may only have meaning for me. Should you find this exercise meaningless and not worth reading I do understand. Maybe I'll be back on track next week.
People that trouble me
Michael Vick
My judgment is reserved but I fail to see the how and why he could allow himself to be associated with such activity. I had envisioned him becoming the greatest quarterback ever. He possesses the talent to become the top NFL icon. Unfortunately, that can never be because of irreversible harm to his off the field image. This scandal has tarnished him permanently, regardless of the future outcome of his career on the field.
Barry Bonds
Hank Aaron was a source of great pride for me as a teen. For the most part his character was unimpeachable. He has upheld the all time home run record gracefully. I don't think it matters whether Bonds used or didn't use steroids to enhance his performance. His situation is representative of the times in which we live. Just as Babe Ruth remains Champ to those of his era, I believe Hammering Hank will remain Champ to me even after his record is broken.
George W. Bush
Nothing delights me more than knowing that he will be a thing of the past in 16 months. I can't think of a single good thing to say about this man. Almost every time I write something truthful, but negative, about him it leads to a word fight among some narrow minded supporter. Should you be a multi-million dollar business owner with kids of drafting age it is quite reasonable for you to attack anyone who bad mouths your guru. If you are working class, you need to wake up.
Rudy Giuliani
If we stay the course, events shall unfold that guarantee him to be our next President. I don't like it but the Democrats don't have the balls to stop him any more than stopping the other atrocities of the past seven years.
Organizations I Hate Strongly Dislike
Get them on your back and you will learn why. They would rather see you dead than owe them a dime. Seriously.
War on Drugs is B.S.
Emissions Inspections
Life Situations I Despise
Mondays should be abolished and replaced by a Pre-work day that allows all working people an extra day to prepare for return to the job. Unemployed individuals are not entitled to such a day.
We should be able to take a rocketship to Heaven when our earthly contract expires. Anyone bound for Hell should have to do it the old way.
There should be a 10% rebate for every bill payed on time just as there are late fees.
People who Lie too much
Their tongue should fall out one week for each lie told.
People who Steal
Their hands should turn bright yellow and smell of skunk oil.
Cocaine Connoisseurs
Should be locked in a room with an endless supply of crack with no lighter or pipe to smoke it with.
Wife Abusers
Should be forced to wear high heels and hot pants and pimp slapped five times on a nationally televised program.
Preditory Sexual Offenders
24/7/365 camera surveillance
Reader Comments (1)
I seriously pray Guilianni doesn't get into the white house... if a scream at a rally last time was enough to sink a democratic nominee, dressing up as Marilyn should have some impact.