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The Lighter Side

Had a few days off for the 4th. . .

It has been really hard getting back into the swing of things. Lots of bad news lately, but I try to find silver linings where they exist. It's a bit more difficult to make fun of myself lately in my posts I suppose out of fear of how it could be perceived by some. There is another side of me that really doesn't care that much what negative people think of me. My involvement with most of the patients I see continues to be as strong and positive as ever. That keeps me going from day to day as I seek additional ways to enrich my life and find the fulfillment of self sought by all humans. I find that adversity often challenges one to reconnect with or strengthen ones spiritual being and can provide enough humility to help one find perspective in ones life. So true yet so boring to write about.

I'd much rather write about my new fun activity of pulling stumps out of the ground with my 4 Runner. I never knew something so primitive could provide such exhilaration. Yee-haww! Or I could write about my newest restoration project of the spring and the little stream where I used to retreat to when I was a kid and in trouble for misbehaving. It was always such fun to capture the tadpoles, crawfish, minnows, or salamanders. Once I got into even more trouble for capturing a baby snake in a coffee jar. My aunt gave me a scolding and made me throw the poor thing away with the lid still on. I worried about that snake for a long while. Snakes just seem to have always gotten a bad rap. Even today, they are the only creature that I instinctively kill, even though they probably represent no harm to me. It's somewhat interesting that I found myself retreating to that same little stream now over 40 years later when I'm involved in a much different form of adult trouble.

I could probably write a pretty good story about my cat giving birth to kittens last week, as well. I think that's an experience everyone should have at least once, but probably not in the way I chose to allow it to happen. In 2 months I have become experienced in feline sexuality, labor and delivery, and the behaviors of early nursing. Nature did all the work with minimal assistance from me. I had barely finished reading my online article about cats in labor before I actually accepted the fact that my cat Oreo was showing exactly the signs I was reading about. Before I knew it there was a piercing scream coming from the bathroom followed by a higher pitched squeal. As I rushed in and peered into the tub we both looked at each other dumbfounded as the 1st born lay helplessly at her side. It had been almost 18 years since my OB-Gyn rotation. (not that it would have made any difference) Too late for hot water, the cat had already beat me to thinking of that commonly suggested first maneuver. So I ran to get towels and a box. I was too slow. She had already taken the baby kitten to her secret hiding place. All I was really needed for was to help clean up. So I'm just staying out of the way until she brings the kittens out of hiding. Her behavior is totally back to normal other than her having less time for me. She actually talks to me when she needs something, so I don't fret. So far, I've found a future home for one kitten. And yes, my cat will be spayed before having the chance to go into heat again. I have definitely learned my lesson there.

As many people already know, nature provides endless opportunities for escape from the stressors of ordinary life. The Serenity Prayer teaches me to ask for the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. These are two of my current coping tools that I look forward to putting to additional use in the future.

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