Entries by HEADoc (80)


Failure to Communicate

TinyPic imageThe essence of effective communication. . . 

requires a complete exchange of thought and feeling between at least two individuals. Having a mutual understanding is the key to communication. Ron Paul received criticism and applause during the last GOP debate between the candidates for President in 2008. The controversy was created because he chose to break rank and interject some basic common sense and truth into the debate.That is something the country has been deprived of for quite some time from many in leadership positions. Ron Paul was able to take this move because he lacks the multi-millions in campaign contributions the front runners will receive. He knows he cannot win because nice guys do usually finish last in American politics. The real irony is that he was making a proposal to return to traditional conservative values of staying out of the affairs of other countries, spending at home first, and considering communication before bombing the heck out of countries that haven't attacked us.

The comment most objected to involved him suggesting that the U.S.'s  assumption that they hate us for our freedom may not be totally correct. Maybe they are telling the truth about hating us because we occupy their land and support their enemies. Those of course, are complex issues with no simple solutions but totally ignoring the validity, understandably, could breed resentment and hostility toward us. Violence will always beget more violence. We do have bigger weapons but they clearly are more willing to die for their cause as evidenced by repeated kamikaze acts.

I have lived my life as a minority person of color within the southern U.S. which I believe provides a unique perspective. I have conditioned myself over time to control the rage I sometimes feel when things have happened to me that are obviously racially motivated. I pretend the race card doesn't exist but sometimes that becomes impossible. As for my last entry, I know that technically I broke the rules and the Bank operated within their self anointed rights to make every dime they could and make me out to be the crook. I see this type thing happen to patients through their encounters with health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and disability agencies. The corporations are always protected and always right. Fortunately, I can get my act together and eventually things may be normal for me because I make enough money to bounce back. For the average citizen this isn't so.

I believe, as Americans, we should take the time to imagine what it might feel like to be a poor inhabitant of a Middle Eastern Country or other Third World place. After doing so, it may become more obvious how the average American can be perceived as inconsiderate, ignorant, arrogant, or lazy. Our freedoms and privileges are often taken for granted. That may be the reason they are being threatened now from within our own government through legislation such as the Patriot Act. At some point the polarization of politics must end or we will be forced to do away with the current political parties and start all over from scratch. At this time neither party seems to care about the people that voted them into office. No matter who wins the Presidency in '08 it can only be an improvement from the status quo. Our current system makes traditional conservatives look like bleeding heart liberals of old. I will be careful not to ask what else could go wrong? I don't want to know the answer again.


Emergency Vent: Real Life Stories

TinyPic image Have you ever been so angry that you didn't know what to do?

That's' how I'm feeling today. I don't even know if I can hit these keys correctly. I'm trying to follow my own advice about managing anger that I give to patients. I have enough containment that I'm sure I won't do anything to get myself into trouble. But I do have fleeting thoughts of homicide without any plan or intent or specific target. I know that eventually I will calm down and feel some remorse and resume conduct as a reasonable person.

Why am I so mad? One of the few entities that can take me here are financial institutions when they throw their muscle around. Several weeks ago I transferred a substantial amount of money from one bank to another for the purpose of paying monthly bills as usual. The check didn't clear because the deposit was late that week. After the deposit was made I wrote another check for the same amount. Because of the previous check not clearing this check was placed on hold for several days. Meanwhile the bank raked in hundreds in insufficient fund fees. To add insult to injury they placed me under investigation for bank fraud but unbeknownst to me. I'm going on with my life as usual until the next months transaction where the same thing occurs to me. No one in the bank can tell me exactly what is happening. They give me a number to call where I can only speak to an answering machine. They continue to collect hundreds of dollars in insufficient fund fees (because they put a hold on the account for the investigation) and my bills go unpaid plus I have to pay late fees. I have never been good at balancing my check book nor have I been the greatest book keeper but I am not a criminal and have never been charged with a crime.

I do not understand how they can legally do this to anyone and I am so mad that I cannot think straight. I know it may be time to seek legal counsel. If there is any way these people can be sued I plan to give it all I have. They have not charged me with a crime because no crime has been committed except what they are doing to me without even informing me what they are doing. This is the kind of thing that makes people go postal. Any Lawyer out there willing to take my case?


A Look at Chronic Pain

TinyPic image is an unavoidable part of the human experience...

Pain is a sign that something has gone wrong and itself is not a disease or necessarily a bad thing. Pain has been a crucial ingredient of human evolution and without it we would not exist in our current form of existence. One suffering from the neuropathic anesthesia of advanced diabetes can testify to the disadvantage of losing the sensation of pain in the limbs when they suffer from burns or cuts that may have been avoided had the sensation of pain been intact to warn them of the danger of tissue damage at the time of injury. Pain triggered by sensors in the skin signal us to remove our hand from a hot object or sharp object. In the diabetic, sometimes the nerves are damaged and rendered useless by an excess of the sugar glucose in places where it doesn't belong.

My work involves the diagnosis and treatment of depressive illness which often is associated with the symptom of pain, both physical and emotional. My experiences have led me to believe that many times the two can be almost one and the same. When a depressed patient presents with chronic physical pain, no amount of morphine or other pain killers provide satisfactory relief. Many have visited several other medical specialists with unsatisfactory results. Those of weaker character often end up strung out on large doses of opioid medications that they are eventually required to obtain by any means necessary. True fighters usually won't allow themselves to be controlled by a chemical substance and will not accept their life being controlled and dictated to by intractable pain. They will do whatever it takes to find an answer.

I have found that a patient who is capable of developing insight can usually accept the concept of psychosomatic illness which basically entails the nervous system being overwhelmed by environmental stressors and no effective outlet. When this occurs this excess of emotional energy may be converted to a neurological or medical condition. Prime examples include, migraines, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel symptoms, chronic fatigue, and even loss of consciousness. When the brain is overwhelmed by stress it ceases to make endorphins in sufficient amounts to allow natural pain control. Artificial endorphin effect can be provided through opioid pain medications. Often these meds can provide an irresistible sense of euphoria. Certain individuals are susceptible to attempting to maintain such a pleasurable feeling indefinitely. This is unnatural in the balance of nature for we aren't meant to live in endless bliss while on earth. Chasing such a feeling via chemical means will damage the normal chemical balance within the brain and nervous system. After a while large amounts of a chemical substance is required just to be able to function at the minimal level and the initial euphoria can never be reached again. At this point the individual is a slave to the chemical and most of their waking life is centered around getting more of their drug of choice.

The main principle of successfully treating chronic pain involves not quickly eradicating all of the pain which is the unrealistic expectation of many sufferers. It is better to convey the fact that there will always be some pain but eventually it may become irrelevant in the big scheme. The sufferer must accept and understand the fact that the brain cannot sense both severe pain and happiness at the same time any more than it can feel heat and cold at the same time. If a person is depressed, sad, anxious, and experiencing severe somatic pain there are certain nerves transmitting these sensations to the brain. The brain cells and nerves that transmit the sensations of pleasure, joy, happiness, and euphoria are inactive. All of the brains' attention goes to to the former set of sensations. In a healthy individual both sets of sensations can be excited with little difficulty. The positive sensations will over ride the negatives when the individual feels in control and there is not the sense of hopelessness and negativity often present in the negative mental state of the depressed individual. This feeling of hopelessness is a real motivation killer and often is a key in a depressed person choosing to stop fighting.

Anti depressants and certain medications such as gabapentin help to turn off the negative nerves and effect the positive fibers favorably. When the individual has adequate support and a life to re plug into their chances for recovering from the pits of depression and chronic pain are favorable if they comply with treatment. Majority of the time chronic pain is accompanied by depressive illness and or severe anxiety symptoms. Interestingly, a severe panic attack often mimics the pain of a heart attack. After a negative EKG and cardiac work up many will again experience the same chest pain with their panic attacks. The analogy I frequently use to explain the emotional and chronic pain overlap speaks of the small child with a newly skinned knee running to mother crying loudly. With simple blowing on the painful spot and a few loving words the crying instantly ceases and soon laughter and happiness are restored. What does that mother's breath possess that relieves pain so effectively? You guessed it. It is the love and affection that cancel out the pain. The breath trick is a clever distraction. Sometimes the pain meds function as the breath and the real effect is due to the doctor's attention and caring.

Unfortunately, for those believing there is magic in the percocet or vicodin, they will madly seek more and more until they wake up or until they die. These are the patients roaming from one doctor's office to another week in and week out pursuing one more bottle of pills. For them, one pill is too many and a thousand is not enough. I have found that many suffer from severe and persistent emotional pain since childhood, usually because they never received that breath on the knee from mother. Their life becomes basically a quest for analgesia. As adults they still receive little genuine love because they never learned to give love. Chemical abuse has become the preferred coping mechanism. Many such patients are diagnosed with personality disorders and the potential to develop insight into their condition is often lacking. Sometimes the pain they feel can never be relieved. Many doctors and therapists would rather not treat them because they remind us of our very finite limits as healers.